Snapshots from the Malvern Flea

Malvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiquesMalvern flea market vintage and antiques

The Malvern Flea Market is wonderful and if you haven’t been yet you should definitely add it to your ‘to-do’ list. It’s about half the size of the Newark Antiques Fair and much easier to navigate, but there’s still hoards of treasure to uncover. The prices vary – there are house clearance dealers who let everything go for a song and then there are dealers who won’t budge a penny on their extortionate ticket prices.

I would have loved to have taken home everything you see above, but instead I settled for taking lots of pictures (and of course a few pieces did make it home with me). In an ideal world the green drawers in the 8th picture would be mine, but they were £270 and way out of my budget. Which items would you pick?

Vintage and Antiques
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11 comments - leave another

  1. oh my – so lovely!

    those dogs in the first picture are so wonderful (definitely would have gotten those) and the cups with the green garlands…

  2. How I love flea markets! I was raised on them, so seeing a post like this is beautiful :) Glad you got to take home some treasure and also capture what seems like a wonderful day of browsing.

  3. Oh, Flea Markets <3 Is there anything better than wandering around all the stalls? One of the hardest things about living in a miniature flat is that I have to walk on past so many goodies- I don't think we can fit another thing in! Beautiful photos, I love those little green tins.

  4. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos! There’s something so special about flea market finds since they hold lots of history. I especially love all of the little dolls you shared! x

  5. Oooh I spy a pretty fantastic assortment of shells. I haven’t had a good market rummage in ages. I feel like I need to change that after seeing these shots.

  6. I’ve honestly never been to a flea market, I cannot believe how amazing this is though! Maybe I’m missing out. I love those little dogs in the first picture but think those little ornament heads are a tad creepy. That might just be me and my warped mind though haha.

  7. I just saw your photos of Malvern. Question—do you ever see or have any for sale yourself; of the little black dolls in a box? I am 64 years old and these are one of my first remembrance of life with my grandparents. I would like to purchase some. I live in Mo. and would love to hear from you. Only found your blog tonight!

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